Hull City council produced several documents following the 2007 floods, which can be viewed below:
The 2007 Flood - Two years on
Emergency Planning for Flooding
Strategic Flood Risk Assessment SFRA
The Blue Pages
The Blue Pages produced by the National Flood Forum is an independent directory of flood precaution products and services. It has been put together to advise and inform you about what’s available to help you protect your home or business against sudden rises in surface water. This is a well respected resource supported by the Environment Agency to help you make informed decisions. Please note that Arc do not endorse any of these products. We recommend that you seek independent expert building advice to inform your choices, as the effectiveness of products will vary depending on where you live and the age of your property.
Click here to go to the Blue Pages.
Association of British Insurers Flood Risk Guide
In March 2010 The Association of British Insurers published this guide to flood risk and how it effects insurance. To read this document click the fullscreen button below.
Or to watch an interactive click here.
RIBA Surface water guide
The RIBA's guide to Designing for Flood Risk takes a design-led approach to addressing flood risk. It is aimed at practicing and student architects, urban designers and landscape architects, and is equally relevant to clients, planners and other urban professions.
To read the document click here.
The Environment Agency
This new test facility in Oxfordshire has been developed by the Environment Agency and HR Wallingford to test flood defence products against a new industry standard. It features a replica living room inside a massive tank, about half the size of a football pitch.
During the simulation, the replica building is fitted with the flood products and the tank is then flooded with thousands of gallons of water to simulate a severe flood. If successful, the products will be awarded the BSI Kitemark, giving householders, organisations and businesses greater confidence in the flood products they use to protect their property.
Environment Agency guide to flood mapping.
Click here to go to the Environment Agency Flood website